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Blake walked into a yard littered with rusty iron scrap and empty cement barrels. Sickly blades of grass grew on the piles of rubbish, between tangled coils of wire and broken machine parts. The dusty windows of a tall shed at the far end of the yard reflected the setting sun. In its low doorway a worker sat mixing red lead in a bucket. Blake asked for engineer Smith. The man jerked his head towards the shed. Blake entered. The shed was dimly lit. An electric bulb covered with a tin cone hung over a table piled with technical drawings and books. A tangle of scaffolding rose ceiling-high at the back of the shed. There was a blazing forge fanned by another worker. Blake saw the studded metal surface of a spheric body gleaming through the scaffolding. The crimson rays of the setting sun and the dark clouds rising from the sea were framed in the open gate outside. 'Someone to see you,' said the worker at the forge. A broad-shouldered man of medium height emerged from behind the scaffolding. His thick crop of hair was white, his face young and clean-shaven, with a large handsome mouth and piercing, light gray, unblinking eyes. He wore a soiled homespun shirt open at the throat, and patched trousers held up by a piece of twine. There was a stained drawing in his hand. As he approached Blake he fumbled at his throat in a vain attempt to button his shirt. 'Is it about the notice? Do you want to fly?' he asked in a husky voice. He offered Blake a chair under the electric bulb, sat down facing him, laid his drawing on the table, and filled his pipe. Lowering his eyes, he struck a match. Its flame illumined his keen face, the two bitter lines near his mouth, the broad sweep of his nostrils, and his long dark eyelashes. Blake liked that face.