
Статья, написанная в 2005 г.

Dear Editor,

My brain seems to be totally upset today—maybe the advocates of separate nutrition are right—but it definitely cannot digest two dishes at the same time, I mean St. Andrew’s “The Merry Wives of Windsor” and the well puked article of Richard Ouzounian “Windsor a big loser.” I believe the clue is that the second part of this meal is a little bit unhealthy.

Being a Russian immigrant, spoilt by resplendence of European and particularly Russian theatre, I was never impressed by North American drama school. Between you and me, it’s still in the cradle; the blessed future is yet to reveal its success to the admiring audience. But let’s better talk about the past.

Shakespeare’s time. Loud, vulgar and laughing time . . . wasn’t that what disturbed Mr. Ouzounian most of all? Does he expect it to be as academic as boiled spinach? His aesthetic aversion sounds more natural when he describes quality of seats at St. Andrew’s. I guess there’s something much deeper than just injured feelings. Something much more personal. It’s hardly possible to be that consistent without a personal matter. But, anyway, it wasn’t a problem of mine as I did like the performance.

I appreciated energy and talent of Elley-Ray Snow and other actors who unfolded the story and created a three hour non-stop living piece of Shakespeare’s time: merry, a little vulgar, and inexplicably attractive. I liked the whole atmosphere at St. A. Nope, it wasn’t King Lear. It was something very different: a merry story of Windsor wives, with intrigue, farce, and brilliant personalities on stage, no matter actors’ or heroes’. And no pop corn, yours sincerely.

A Reader

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