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Что сказал: Wow. That is all I have to say.

You are by far the most intelligent person under 30 I know. You have accomplished so much, and from just seeing the pictures of your mom I have SO much respect for her for raising such a remarkable child. I stumbled upon your website completely randomly, out of boredom I clicked a couple links and eventually explored the whole thing.

Although I don´t have sound on my comp right now, judging from your artistic (and photography) skills, I have no doubt those are amazing as well.

Keep up the great work. I cant wait to check back and see what stuff youve thrown on here next to put me in complete awe. (I spent the past 30 minutes sending your link to everyone I know saying, THIS GUY IS 12!) Do not take offense to that, its really a compliment.

ANYWAY. I just thought id write you an actual competent message on here, as im sure youre getting annoyed by some of the others. :)

Take care!
А хозяева в ответ: Thank you, visit again! And I hope next time you visit you will have sound, so you can listen to my music!

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