Профессиональное резюме / 2001 г.
Предупреждаю: это резюме давно не соответствует действительности, устарело и дано исключительно в качестве иллюстрации к рекомендациям. Более того, вебом я уже ой как давно не занимаюсь...
Andrey Piskunov
Vancouver, BC, Canada
E-mail: andrey@web-desiqner.ca
A challenging position of a Web developer/designer in a company, which is interested in a specialist with a 5+ years experience in this sphere.
Over five years of extended experience as a Web Developer/Designer/Engineer.
Extensive knowledge of modern Web techniques, including interface development, client-side and server-side programming, and dynamic content management.
Strong background in web graphics development, prototyping, and file formats operation.
Experience in multilingual Wes-sites development and localization, both single byte and double byte languages.
Practical knowledge of web server administration and maintenance.
Good team player.
Technical Skills
Language / Tool / Environment |
Years |
5+ |
JavaScript, VBScript, DOM, Perl (CGI), PHP, ASP, JSP, Zope, Java, VB, Delphi |
3+ |
Dreamweaver, FrontPage, Golive, HomeSite |
3+ |
Photoshop, CorelDRAW!, FreeHand, FireWorks, Flash, Director |
5+ |
Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, Opera |
5+ |
Apache, Microsoft IIS 3+ |
3+ |
Windows 9x, NT4, 2000, DOS, Linux (Unix), MacOS |
15 |
FTP, Telnet, SSh |
5+ |
Professional Experience
2000, Apr.2000, Nov. DNA Media Inc., Vancouver, Canada, Web Engineer, full-time.
Latest projects:
DNA Media Website. Developed complex site layout using optimized graphics, layers, DHTML, cascading stylesheets, and JavaScript for visual effects, usability and interactivity. Localized a part of Web-site into 8 languages including double byte ones. Prepared more than 300 Web pages. Written and implemented metaSearch function for the whole Web-site (Perl, CGI). Provided miscellaneous feedback options such as Quotation Form (form-to-email) and Feedback Form. Developed and tested extendable dynamic Web-site prototype using Zope as a content management system. Provided cross-platform compatibility for PC and Macintosh popular browsers.
IEBC (Encyclopedia of British Columbia). Designed a part of interface graphics. Prepared JavaScript code for EIBC Web-interface. Tested the interface for cross-platform compatibility. Developed and implemented full text search for online version of the Encyclopedia (more than 12,000 pages) using custom indexing engine (Perl, CGI).
Learning Dividends Website. Designed Web-site user interface. Prepared HTML layout and completed existing content for future development. Provided v3.0 browsers compatibility.
Multiple localization projects. Localized a number of Web-sites into miscellaneous languages, including French, Italian, German, Spanish, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese.
1999, Nov.-2000, Apr. BC Logic Inc., Vancouver, Canada, graphic designer and HTML layout developer, part time contract, multiple projects.
Designed and implemented interfaces for 5 Web-sites, including graphics, HTML layouts, scripting, and database front-ends.
1998, Jul.1999, Nov. Artefact Co. Ltd., St. Petersburg, Senior Web-developer and team leader, full-time.
Worked as a team leader (10 staff members).
Managed 8 Web-oriented projects. Assigned particular tasks to team members, controlled performance and timeliness.
Developed key features of interfaces and Web-applications.
1996, Nov.1998, Mar. Baltcom Co. Ltd., St. Petersburg, Web-designer and Web-master, contract.
Configured and supported the Company Intranet Web-server (Unix, Apache).
Designed more than 600 conventional Web-pages for Intranet user help system.
Six month contract had been extended twice.
1995, Feb.1996, Oct. FOET Co. Ltd., St. Petersburg, Web-designer, full-time.
Developed and implemented Windows NT-based corporate Web-site.
Designed more than 2,000 web-pages (50 prototypes), including graphics, HTML and scripting.
The Web-site was awarded as Site Of The Year in St. Petersburg in 1996.
Certifications & Membership
Certified HTML Programmer
Certified JavaScript Programmer
Certified VBScript Programmer
Certified Visual Basic Programmer
Certified Perl Programmer
Certified PHP Programmer
Certified ASP Programmer
Member of the International Webmasters Association.
1994, Sep1995, Feb. Dept. of Microwave Technique, Chalmers University, Goethenburg, Sweden. Scientific Research Training Course.
19921995. St. Petersburg Electro-Technical State University, St. Petersburg, Russia. Post-Graduate Course.
19861992. St. Petersburg Electro-Technical State University, St. Petersburg, Russia. Master Degree.
References & Portfolio
Available upon request.
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